Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Absence from blogging

I can't believe it's been over a month since I've last posted anything here. I got so incredibly busy with school and stress that I just didn't have the time or the energy to do anything else. In the first three weeks of April, I completed 4 essays, 3 take-home exams, and two sit-down exams. Whew. I get tired just thinking about it. After four years of studying, I'm glad to say that the worst is behind me, and I'm so excited to see what the next chapter of my life will be like. Now I can get pumped up for summer! (And finding a job of course.)

I also just got back from an amazing two-week whirlwind trip to Europe with my boyfriend, so I'll post some pictures in a separate post of some of the highlights. We went to Finland first for a week because Jeff was going for business, so I wrote my final exam during the day and explored when he was done work. The following week we travelled through Germany and Holland, we even spent 10 very brief minutes in Austria! It seems like we saw and did something amazing every day, and it's frankly a little weird to be back in my apartment in London. I guess I need to re-learn how to slow down again, since the last month has been so crazy!

So cheers to summer, and to relaxation!

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